I just got a new computer yesterday. Setup was easy.  Everything went on the
new computer in just a few hours.  Except coldfusion.  For the life of me I
cannot get coldfusion 9.0.1 installed and running.

Installing coldfusion 9.0 is no problem and it works.

However, the upgrade from 9.0 to 9.0.1 is not working at all.  I tried all
variations.  Using IIS. Using the builtin web server.  Saw all the IIS
compatibility stuff and played with variations of that.

Windows 7 Home 64 bit

The log shows the following:

Error loading: C:/ColdFusion9/runtime/jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

Coldfusion won't start and the web server configuration tool just flashes
and goes away before I can read what is happening.

I saw some posts about msvcr71.dll . I could only find that file in one
place, an that was part of a roxio or some software and moving it over did
not fix the problem

Can anyone help?  I really have researched this and hopefully I am just
missing something simple.

David Mineer Jr
The critical ingredient is getting off your
butt and doing something. It's as simple
as that. A lot of people have ideas, but
there are few who decide to do
something about them now. Not
tomorrow. Not next week. But today.
The true entrepreneur is a doer.

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