
As a developer who has recently become involved with CMS environments, let me 
assure you that the introduction of a CMS by no means indicates that a 
developer is no longer required.  I actually work full time supporting a number 
of web sites that all run from a CF based CMS and recently started supporting 
one that runs in WordPress.  Even with our licensed CF CMS specifically 
developed for the healthcare industry, the functionality OOTB does not always 
meet the requirements of the end users and I find myself quite busy reworking, 
rewriting or introducing functionality so as to meet the requirements of the 
users and content managers.

The point of a CMS is to get the tedious job of content updates out of the 
hands of developers and into the hands of those who know what they want to 
change.  I am quite happy developing or enhancing functionality for the site 
rather than making the endless, often minor, content changes that the client 

David Phelan                  
Web Developer   
IT Security & Web Technologies
Emerging Health
Montefiore Information Technology
3 Odell Plaza, Yonkers, NY 10701
914-457-6465 Office
862-234-9109 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:r...@whitestonemedia.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 4:26 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: SOT: Client wants CMS that functions similar to Joomla, for example

Hi, guys...

Just need some recommendations from some of you who have been down this road 

I have a client that is asking for what amounts to absolute control over their 
site through a CMS. Among a few others they metioned, Joomla was brought up.

I'm checking them out myself, but wanted to cut to the chase based on 
experience from those who have used CMS's that provide control such as Joomla.

What have you tried? What turned out to work well? What bombed?
I've always "rolled my own", and never used a ready-made CMS, so I have zero 
experience with them.

(Joomla seems like it replaces me as a designer/developer, at first glance.
If a client has a CMS that allows them to do everything that I do for them now, 
including selecting themes for pages they add to the site themselves 
(designer), manage data through Joomla functionality (developer), I wonder if I 
would end up as a "Joomla Installer & Maintenance" person for the client. ???)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Thanks for any feedback!


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