there are lots of ways of achieving this, but they depend on your setup.

Where is the other page?
Is it on the same server?
If not, is it on a server which would be able to read a domain cookie set 
on the first page?
Are both pages ColdFusion scripts?
Where are the usernames and passwords stored (DB, file, WinNT users), or is 
there just one username and password?


At 12:20 PM 3/20/2001, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I set up a page  where an id
>and password must be entered. The password and id are checked at a cfm page
>called by the form action.
>The issue is if the password and id are correct how can I ship them off to
>the appropriate page without the security being "compromised." I'm use to
>establishing some type of link to get a person to a page. In this instance I
>just want someone shipped off to the correct page if the password and id are
>correct. Are there any tutorials for this?
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