if I understand you correctly, this leaves the URL you are getting with 
CFHTTP un-protected.

At 12:49 PM 3/20/2001, you wrote:
>Thanks I think I'm all set. I'm using
><cfhttp METHOD=GET resolveurl="Yes"
>                 URL="http://www.blahblahblah">#CFHTTP.FileContent#</cfhttp>
>inside and if then else. If the password and id (checked from an access
>database) are correct then the above tag is executed.
>This book I'm using "Mastering Cold Fusion 4.5" seems to answer all my
>questions  but it's an issue of finding the correct sections.
> From the newbies,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Woods [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 7:38 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: passwrord protecting a page and hipping off to another
>there are lots of ways of achieving this, but they depend on your setup.
>Where is the other page?
>Is it on the same server?
>If not, is it on a server which would be able to read a domain cookie set
>on the first page?
>Are both pages ColdFusion scripts?
>Where are the usernames and passwords stored (DB, file, WinNT users), or is
>there just one username and password?
>At 12:20 PM 3/20/2001, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I set up a page http://www.portcityportlandmaine.com/hobnobber/  where an
> >and password must be entered. The password and id are checked at a cfm page
> >called by the form action.
> >
> >The issue is if the password and id are correct how can I ship them off to
> >the appropriate page without the security being "compromised." I'm use to
> >establishing some type of link to get a person to a page. In this instance
> >just want someone shipped off to the correct page if the password and id
> >correct. Are there any tutorials for this?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Greg
> >
> >
> >
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