I really can't see A/MM abandoning us. Think about it, every author (with
the exception of a few that they have in house) are in the low end. Every
person who runs a community site is in the low end. With very few
exceptions, every person who made CF what it is today is in the low end.
They HAVE to know that abandoning us (and yes, I'm definitely in the low end
as well) will only result in the death of CF. There's no chance in hell
they're going to do that.
Even if they're positioning CF for the upmarket they'll have to take care of
us. Either that or just drop CF.

> MM could be positioning CF upmarket, abandoning the low-end web apps to
> PHP,  open source platforms, and ASP, and targetting primarily,
> the corps, not the hosting services, knowing MM canīt run a business
> competing with free open source software, and the equally free MS security
> blanket.
> I remember Jeremy, I think, saying if you canīt get your tools adopted by
> the corps, strategically, youīre dead.  He didnīt say anything about CF
> hosting shops.
> Len
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