At 07:27 AM 4/27/01, you wrote:


I certainly can't fault them on principle if this is their 
approach..  Whether or not this is a valid revenue model remains to be 
seen.  From my perspective (which is different than most <g>), each 
developer needs to decide whether this fits THEIR business model.. I'm 
afraid without a critical mass of lower end stuff, there will be no energy 
base upon which to have and develop a brand name and a viable 
community.  and it certainly doesn't fit OUR business model.

I'm about as anti-m$ as you can get, but i'm ready to jump ship to asp if 
this comes to pass.  I used to use webboard many years ago, but switched to 
IIS when our business model and approach dictated it.

>MM could be positioning CF upmarket, abandoning the low-end web apps to
>PHP,  open source platforms, and ASP, and targetting primarily, exclusively
>the corps, not the hosting services, knowing MM can´t run a business
>competing with free open source software, and the equally free MS security
>I remember Jeremy, I think, saying if you can´t get your tools adopted by
>the corps, strategically, you´re dead.  He didn´t say anything about CF
>hosting shops.
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