It is reckless to start pointing blame while the dust hasn't even settled on
the rubble.   This might be the act of war of a group of religious zealots,
or a disaffected group of some country somewhere but it might also be the
act of some cowardly madmen in the USA.  Remember that the early blame for
the bombing in Oklahoma was pointed at the middle east but it turned out to
be an American who did it.

We don't know whether the pilots of the aircraft reported emergencies and
the need to divert to NY or not, and therefore whether the air traffic
controllers had any reason to be suspicious.  And even if they were, we
don't know what happened when they reported their suspicions.. There is a
lot we don't know.   But the details will all eventually come out.    Paris,
you're already blaming the Logan Airport staff, and you're prepared to
punish the whole city of Boston by closing its airport for a month.  You
don't know who's done their jobs and who hasn't.

No one knows who's responsible for this, and until they are hunted down it
is tasteless and futile to apportion blame.  I cannot begin to imagine the
immense size of the resources that are being mobilised to hunt down the
perpetrators, and I have absolutely no doubt that whoever organised this
will be found.  And the repercussions for whoever that is will be severe.
Let me also say that if it eventually turns out that the Taliban in
Afghanistan finds life difficult after this, I'll hardly be dismayed.  In
fact I'll break out a bottle of champagne and celebrate.  But I really think
there ought to be some evidence gathered before anyone starts pointing the
finger of blame, don't you?

But our prayers are with the victims and their families and those who are
close to them.  A great many people have died who had absolutely nothing
whatever to do with whatever motivated those attacks.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP WebWorks

-----Original Message-----
From: Paris Lundis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 4:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: attacks

has anyone noted that this represents a great number of air related
incidents arond DC.. DC where there is a no fly zone.. and where
surface to sky ad portable missiles are available for such stuff??

The FAA needs to track more and better... inter and intra departmental
communications needs improved.

Boston Airport needs closed for a month and everyone fired.

People need to be held accountable.  We need dedicated people and more
communications.  All of this could have been minimized.

I wish everyone the best in their quest to find loved ones today.

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