I believe the larger ongoing conflicts are religion based. so to close 
with god and religion references is a bad omen of sorts... is it this 
god or mine and what do you know about god sort of conflict...

the neutral genderless equal thing or PC for those types out there 
would be to identify that we wish everyone safety of self and family in 
this tie of conflict or loss.  we should encourage people through our 
ethics and morality as opposed to the religious approach...

I know it sounds dumb. I sat with a large group of about 300 young 
minded people just last night talking about Ethics... and yes indeed, 
those with Ethics tended to draw it from religious doctrine and speak 
in religious terms... It certainly drew lines in the sand... Me 
aethiest to a fault, sitting with a Catholic priest, next to a Jewish 

Learn to be selfless I said. To listen.. To be slow to move.. Sometime 
wrong, but humbled to admit error and pay the dues. agree to disagree. 
draw lines on issues when needed.. Make borders to insulate and 
preserve the purity, if needed.

I will post the Yahoo message thread URL... over 7k messages, mostly of 
hatred and faceless cowardess in response.  Let's not become like that. 
I hope dearly, racism and vigilantism doesn't rear its ugly head.  May 
all of us of the AMerican mind set no matter what doctrine or skin 
color live together in peace.

[finding the future in the past, passing the future in the present]
[connecting people, places and things]

-----Original Message-----
From: "Clint Tredway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 15:10:59 -0400
Subject: RE: Terrorism

> What alot of people on other lists that I belong are saying is that
> our belief in God and our faith in an unseeable bieng is ludicrus and
> is whats causing all this pain.
> I do not agree with this, but people can believe what they want.
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:47:16 -0500
> i feel, as we all do, about todays happenings and wanted to keep
> quite but
> have to ask...,
> what is that supposed to mean?
> "Neil Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/11/2001 01:24:18 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:
> Subject:  RE: Terrorism
>  I think "God" was one of the main reasons why things like this
> happen....
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