> I have a field that will be populated with a first name and a last name, 
> what I want to do is make sure that the first letter of the first & last 
> name is uppercase and that all others are lower case. Could someone help 
> in a reg expression that will do this?

I'm having problems finding ways of detecting/converting case using
CF regexes too (doing tags to lowercase for XHTML markup).

>From what I've gathered, Perl regexes can do this but CF can't. Bah.
There is a Perl-compatible regex parsing extension tag for
CF Server at <http://www.rixsoft.com/ColdFusion/CFX/PCRegEx/>,
but I've not bothered with this. I'm plodding along with loops and
substring extraction fiddliness.

Of course all I'm doing is LCase() to certain substrings. Shame there's
no Capitalise() CF function. There is something similar at
<http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?ID=9>, might be of use to you. You
could LCase() the whole string, then run it through this UDF. Imagine
you could stick a workaround in for hyphenated names too!

Let me know if you find any regex solution for dealing with case
like this...

- Gyrus

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