> I though CFCOOKIE would be my Holy Grail because (I thought) 
> they would be specific to one user, and span CFAPPLICATIONS.

Well, cookies don't have anything to do with CFAPPLICATION tags, so they may
work for you in this situation. Cookies are associated with a specific
virtual server, by default, although they can be associated with all servers
in a domain or subdomain. So, if I had a server "www.haveacookie.com", and
on that server I had two applications (defined as such with separate
CFAPPLICATION tags, and one of them set a cookie, that cookie would be
available within the other application.

On the other hand, if your applications are within separate virtual servers,
then the cookies set by one won't be available within another. If the
virtual servers are within the same domain (app1.haveacookie.com,
app2.haveacookie.com), then you could use the DOMAIN attribute of CFCOOKIE
to ensure that the cookie would be available to both applications.

Maybe, though, you might want to rethink your application structure. It
sounds like you have one logical application with several modules, in which
case you might be better off with one CFAPPLICATION tag for all the modules.

> Even better they expire when the Browser closes.

This is only true if you omit the EXPIRES attribute of CFCOOKIE.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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