> I noticed on the intrinsyc site that J-Integra is at version 1.5.3
> http://www.intrinsyc.com/products/bridging/jintegra_15release.asp
> I don't know what version CFMX uses but was wondering if an
> end user could upgrade to the lastest build?

I don't know how you can tell what version of JIntegra you're using with CF
MX, exactly. The whole thing is stored in \CFusionMX\lib\jintegra.jar. You
can run the license tool, according to the documentation, but I'm not sure
exactly what that's supposed to show. When I do it like this:

> set CLASSPATH=C:\CFusionMX\lib\jintegra.jar
> java com.intrinsyc.license.JintegraLicenseTool view

I get this:

Intrinsyc Software License Tool
J-Integra runtime, version: 1.5.0 (C) 2001 Intrinsyc Software Inc.
Checking jar file jintegra.jar...
Checking jar file jintegra_reduced_logging.jar...
Jar file: jintegra_reduced_logging.jar not Found!
Please ensure that the jar file jintegra_reduced_logging.jar is in the same
ctory as license file(s)
Please refer to the documentation or goto http://www.intrinsyc.com for
The tool is exiting now... there may be leftover temporary files...

But, I'm not sure if that means that the whole thing is version 1.5.0 or
just the license tool.

As for upgrading to the latest build, I'm not sure how that would happen.
Within the jar, there's an XML document which contains the license
information. I suspect that if you just downloaded the trial version of
1.5.3 from Intrinsyc, and put the license file in there, it wouldn't work.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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fax: (202) 797-5444
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