Title: Message
I think part of the problem here is semantics.  What you think is a 'XML Document' and what MX thinks is an 'XML Document' are two different things:
As you are the think of them, An XML document is just some text in a specific format.  So, when you use <cfsavecontent>, you fill a variable with your type of text XML document.
However, when you use <cfxml> to encompass the same text, you create MX's type of a XML document, which is an object very much like a structure, not just a string.
So, if you are just trying to save XML text into a character field in a database, just use cfcontent to save the xml into a string.
If, on the other hand, you want MX's version of a XML document, with all it's bells and whistles (again, PLEASE refer to http://www.macromedia.com/desdev/mx/coldfusion/articles/xmlxslt.pdf) then you'll want to use CFXML.
So, using your code as before:
<cfxml variable="variables.testXML">
Now you have a XML Document called testXML.
Here's my SQL INsert:
  <cfquery name="qryInsert" datasource="#Request.DSN#">
Notice the addition of 'ToString' in the code.  This is a function of the  XML Document object created using <cfxml> that returns the 'string' of the XML doc.
Does that help?

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