Title: Message
I thought it might be nice to have a list of valid method names when initiating an object so I'd be able to make sure I didn't try to run a method (perhaps based on user input) that was inappropriate. Of course, I could use try/catch but that wouldn't distinguish between calling invalid methods and errors within the method.
Anyhow, getMetaData() works fine, but I ran into problems getting a clean method list:
  <cfset Local.TempMetaData = getMetaData(THIS)>
  <cfset Local.FunctionList = Local.TempMetaData.Functions>
  <cfset THIS.MethodList = Local.FunctionList[1].Name>
Successfully returns the name of the first method of the object.
Trying to loop through them as below gives "Invalid collection "[Ljava.lang.Object;@1f4c4a3" - must be a valid struct or COM object. "
  <cfloop collection="#Local.FunctionList#" item="Count">
   <cfset ThisVal = Local.FunctionList[#Count#].Name>
   <cfset THIS.MethodList = ListAppend(THIS.MethodList,ThisVal)>
I have a feeling this is a simple syntax problem but am not sure . . . Anyone have simple code for returning a list of methods?
FYI, I know Sean suggested some time back that run time introspection doesn't scale, but by only running this routine on a small number of objects that I persist throughout an application and by only calling it once on object creation I'm betting the performance overhead will be minimal.
Best Wishes,
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