pktm wrote:
I would be happy to have an interface to load_tmpl like H::T, too.
But how can we realisize that (so that you may use the old way, too)?
If it would be possible to copy the H::T-construktor, we would be able to get Templates from filehandles and all those sources. Wolud be better, would't it?
mfg A. Becker

I'm not trying to duplicate the HTML::Template::new in CGI::Application::load_tmpl just make CGI::App be able to handle paths better. I still think that if you want the full power of H::T, use it directly.

For now, I just solved the problem by overriding my load_tmpl() in my base class.

Am Fri, 03 Sep 2004 13:38:38 -0400 schrieb Michael Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I don't think that splitting on ':' in load_tmpl is the best way to go about this.. however I do think that HTML::Template should split on ':'. This would make it easy to add multiple paths using the $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} (which could be set in the httpd.conf).

I do however think that C::A's TMPL_path/tmpl_path() should be able to handle correctly what H::T's 'path' parameter expects...

any other ideas, suggestions? If nobody says anything else, I'll just get a patch together...

Bill Catlan wrote:

I needed the same thing ... haven't submitted a patch
yet ... below splits string paths separated by ':' :


From C::A 3.22, as modified:

sub load_tmpl {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($tmpl_file, @extra_params) = @_;

        # add tmpl_path to path array of one is set,
otherwise add a path arg
        if (my $tmpl_path = $self->tmpl_path) {
                my $found = 0;
                for( my $x = 0; $x < @extra_params; $x
+= 2 ) {
                        if ($extra_params[$x] eq
'path' and                             ref $extra_params[$x+1]    and
                            ref $extra_params[$x+1] eq
'ARRAY') {
@{$extra_params[$x+1]}, $tmpl_path;
                                $found = 1;
            my @tmpl_paths = split( /:/, $tmpl_path );
            push(@extra_params, path => [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
unless $found;

        require HTML::Template;
        my $t = HTML::Template->new_file($tmpl_file,

        return $t;


--- Michael Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hello all,

I'm trying to find a way to pass multiple search
paths either to TMPL_PATH or tmpl_path in my base class and then
have all my child classes be able to access it. The problem is that
C::A will wrap whatever value is in 'tmpl_path' in [] thus creating
an array of arrays if it's an array.  Any work arounds? if not I guess
I'll make a patch...

-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP



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-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP

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