On 12/22/05, Bruce McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I'd like to try to understand the sortable list example that comes
> with HTML::Prototye cgiapp plugin. On my (localhost Apache/1.3.33
> (Win32) ) server, I get this result from running the app:
> ---------------
> But it's *not* sortable with Firefox or IE, as far as I can tell.
> Clicking on a word just selects it.

That is odd, because it works perfectly for me on Firefox.  Have you
just copied the cgi and pm files directly to your document root
without making any changes?  Also, what version of the HTML::Prototype
libary are you using?  I just tested it with the latest version (1.36)
and it still works fine.  And lastly, what version of
CGI::Application::Plugin::TT are you using?  It has to be greater than
v0.07, since that is when the 'c' parameter feature was added.  I
guess I should explicitly require that version in the example...

> Installation via CPAN failed on my system, because of a missing Apache
> modules, IIRC, so I installed the missing module and got it going manually.

The HTML::Prototype library shouldn't require any Apache:: modules. 
The only thing it really depends on is HTML::Element.

> Anyone have an idea where I've gone wrong?

I'm not really sure.  Did you view the source of the resulting page? 
Perhaps you could stick that up on a public webserver somewhere so
others can try it to see (please don't send it to the list, cause the
JavaScript section is massive).



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