Mark Stosberg wrote:

I've started on porting CGI::Application to Perl6.

The current state is that I've made a number of code adjustments, but the module still doesn't compile. I haven't started converting any of the tests.

I don't think the replacement for Class::ISA is even implemented yet, so
the line that includes "$app_class.meta.class_precedence_list".... will current fail.

I'm sharing the code here in case anyone else wants to hack on it. It's a darcs archive:

darcs get
# hack
darcs record
darcs send

I consider this a "blue sky" project where we should feel free to make API improvements in non-backwards compatible ways.

For example, I think it's worth considering moving load_tmpl() to a plugin, and considering whether to keep both header_add() and header_props(). ( header_props() could accidentally clobber headers set a plugin... header_add() is almost always a better choice. ).

Also, some might like a complete decoupling with

Even the name could be changed. :) ( It seems the DateTime module will be just "Date" in Perl6 ).

For that matter, there's no reason that I need to be an official maintainer of this new project. Anyone else is welcome to publish another repository of a CGI::App that is equally as authoritative as my work.

For the moment, I'm mostly interested in this project as an excuse to learn more about Perl6.

There was a thread about a possible rebranding of CA a while ago. Doing that for Perl6 would be the best opportunity.

Just a thought...


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