RA Jones wrote:
> Having at last had some success with something AJAX-based (the demo
> described in perl.com 'Using Ajax from Perl'), I now want to try and use
> AJAX in my web apps. It looks like the necessary modules are CGI::Ajax &
> CAP::HTMLPrototype.

Well, in my experience, both CGI::Ajax and the CAP Prototype plugin, while they're ok at getting you started, are more trouble than they're worth. You end up having to write a fair amount of Javascript anyway because you always need to reconfigure the page in some way with new stuff from the server.

The HTML Prototype library has a lot of power that's not apparent from the plugin. But the Prototype documentation <http://www.sergiopereira.com/articles/prototype.js.html> is sketchy.

The jQuery library (www.jquery.com) on the other hand, while (imo) it falls short of its stated goal of making Javascript fun, does make a lot of things easy to do, including handling Ajax calls. It's very well documented, and has a very active developer community see <http://www.nabble.com/JQuery-f15494.html>

Bruce McKenzie

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