Hi Mark

On 30/10/12 07:16, Mark Stosberg wrote:

> The Mojolicious project just uses the Github wiki system. That's one
> option to consider. As one of the default maintainers of such a system,
> I appreciate the "outsourcing" of this maintenance work to Github, even
> if it's means the wiki software itself isn't open source.
> Github does allow the wiki to be accessed as a git repo, which provides
> a reasonable "exit plan" if were to become an unsuitable place to host
> in the future.

OK. I just had another look at that wiki, and it looks good, so I'd say 
just take the decision and switch. We don't need a long discussion about 
it. Not everything has to be Open Source, or Perl. Think OSes, 
compilers, web servers, db servers, email servers, etc etc.

Ron Savage
Ph: 0421 920 622

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