Mixing my replies in a single message, sorry :-)

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Ron Savage <r...@savage.net.au> wrote:

> Hi Mark
> On 30/10/12 07:16, Mark Stosberg wrote:
> > I appreciate the "outsourcing" of this maintenance work to Github, even
> > if it's means the wiki software itself isn't open source.

IMO, It is 'good' to be able to focus on the core mission of the

> > Github does allow the wiki to be accessed as a git repo, which provides
> > a reasonable "exit plan" if were to become an unsuitable place to host
> > in the future.

++ on this point.  Not having the data locked in, and being able to
transfer the history is, in my mind at least, a good thing.

> OK. I just had another look at that wiki, and it looks good, so I'd say
> just take the decision and switch. We don't need a long discussion about
> it. Not everything has to be Open Source, or Perl. Think OSes,
> compilers, web servers, db servers, email servers, etc etc.

While a cgi-app-branded version of a wiki could be a good thing, I do agree
that lacking other *easily implemented and maintained* alternatives (or
even just the tuits to manage it), that offloading the maintenance of this
to a location where it is part of their core competence is a good thing.

Is there any thought (or even value) to migrating the current data into the
git wiki history?  Given sufficient tuits (and the original data - can be
after the cutover is done), I would be willing to help with submitting a
pull request on this.


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