Thanks for your feedback, I am using the cookie constant as follows

package Saint::WebApp;
use base 'CGI::Application';
use strict;
use CGI::Session::File;

use constant COOKIE => "saint";

But I should propably be using ????

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sherzod B. Ruzmetov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Zachary Buckholz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [cgiapp] CGI::App and CGI::Session

> >
> >my $new_cookie = $self->header_props(-name=>COOKIE,
> -value=>$session->id);
> >  $self->header_props(-cookie=>$new_cookie);
> > }
> $new_cookie is not returned from the header(), it is returned from the
> cookie() method. First you create PROPER HTTP cookie, then pass it to
> header_props():
> $new_cookie = $q->cookie(-name=>COOKIE, -value=>$session->id);
> $self->header_props(-cookie=>$new_cookie);
> But let's ask Jesse for more insights on this, since I'm not quite
> familiar with CGI::Application.
> Another thing, you are using COOKIE constant from the CGI::Session
> manual, and I assume you have a line something like:
> use constant COOKIE => 'MY_SITE_SID';
> at the top of your program, do you? If you were using 'strict' pragma
> it would let you know.
> ttyl
> Sherzod
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