> >     sub some_run_mode
> >     {
> >             # eventually
> >             # $self->append_content('...');
> >             $self->run_mode('named_run_mode');
> >             return;
> >     }

> I don't see an advantage over:
>   return $self->named_run_mode()

I've missed the beginning of this discussion, so just tell me to shut
up if I'm off track here.

I often alter run_mode in setup() after I sanity check input (they called
run mode "Bar", which also expects a valid search term.  Their search term
is invalid, so I'll set the run_mode to "Foo".  One case that happens
often is when I use "friendly" URLs:  index.cgi?129 In this case, it will
do one thing if input is given, or something else if no imput is given.  I
can't rely on the 'rm' param in this case, so I have setup() do some
checks and set the run_mode.  If setup is doing it, It would be wrong to
return $self->named_run_mode;

> If you have the run-mode name in a variable you can do:
>   my $run_mode = "foo";
>   return $self->$run_mode();
> And the code will call foo().  Isn't Perl great?

Isn't that a soft reference that:
1) Makes strict angry
2) Is discouraged, because 90% of soft-references should be hash elements?

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