Sixth post from the ODK Discussion Series. Participate using the link below.

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From: Prabhas Pokharel <>
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 7:23 AM
Subject: [ODK Community] Discussion Series: Use of ODK after the Nepal
To: "" <>,
Nirab Pudasaini <>

Hi all,

I am Prabhas Pokharel, and I have been a part of the ODK community
since 2010. I have worked with the Formhub team, the team, as
well as with Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) to build tools around ODK and
apply them in the field.

I only had the chance to meet Gaetano twice, but both times, was
struck by his openness and dedication to creating a community of
innovators around the ODK platform. In this series celebrating the
impact of Gaetano's work, I wanted to write about how ODK was used in
the aftermath of the Earthquake in Nepal earlier this year. I was in
Nepal at the time, and worked very closely with local non-profit
technology organization KLL for two months after the earthquake, using
digital tools to facilitate coordination and systematic relief

Read more at!topic/opendatakit/T7WGCJU27VY..
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