Dear Neighbors:

At every Safety Meeting I have ever attended the Northern District Police 
officers have repeatedly warned us of the scam used by burglars to case the 
block for a good break-in prospect.  Burglars will knock on the door to see 
if anyone answers the door and when someone does they pretend to have the 
wrong address. After you shut the door they will keep knocking on doors until 
they find a home where no one is home and which has an easy point of illegal 
entry.  When this happens to us, the police advise us to get as good a 
description of the persons as possible and to call 911 immediately to report 
suspicious activity by persons who appear to be casing the block looking for a 
place to break in.  You will get a quicker response from the police if you 
use a good description, call immediately, and use your crime watch number.  By 
now, everyone in Charles Village should have a crime watch number.  If you 
do not, please go online to the CVCA website at, 
download one, and fax it to the Northern District fax number and put in "CVCA" 
for the Community Association and you should get your number in the mail in 
about 10 days to two weeks.  With a crime watch number your call will be 
treated more seriously than an anonymous call because the police officers are 
skeptical of the veracity of the call when the called does not want to be 
identified. With a crime watch number, you can remain anonymous to the 
perpetrator but the police know that their is a valid citizen complaint behind 
call.  By being good crime prevention partners with the Northern District 
police, we will keep our neighborhood safer and criminals will learn to go 
elsewhere because Charles Village is filled with vigilant residents.

By copy of this to Steve Gerwitz, I ask him to circulate this message to 
the discussion list as well and any other lists where the initial warning was 

Thank you.

Sharon Guida, Chair, CVCA Safety Committee
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