On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 04:11:47PM -0400, John Cowan wrote:
> Christian Kellermann scripsit:
> > Wouldn't the right answer be in this case "We don't know whether this
> > file exists, because some Bad Thing(tm) happened while trying to find
> > out" instead of yes or no?
> No.  If ENAMETOOLONG is returned, the file can't possibly exist (because
> the filesystem has no way to represent it), so it's always correct to
> return #f in that case.

(I'm sorry this got divided into three messages!  I'm typing faster
than I'm thinking...)

The closest errno value to "Bag Thing(tm)" is EFAULT, meaning you
gave a pointer to the kernel it couldn't do anything with.  IIRC
Solaris just terminates your process, but OpenBSD (and very likely
others) scold you with EFAULT.

.i ma'a lo bradi cu penmi gi'e du

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