Just a few thoughts that I believe would be good to keep on mind on
the discussion on centralized documentation:

* Egg authors have the choice between using eggdoc or using the wiki.
  Originally all eggs used eggdoc and few started using the wiki as
  their authoritative repository.

* When an egg uses the wiki, whenever a new version of the egg is
  produced, the HTML page is generated automatically from whatever is
  in the wiki.  This page is uploaded to call/cc as well as included
  in the tarball 

* The process of generating the HTML page for an egg from the wiki
  only supports documentation stored as a single wiki page, but I
  suppose it would be easy to extend egg-post-commit to support eggs
  having multiple wiki pages as their associated documentation.

* I kinda agree that it doesn't make that much sense to keep a
  potentially outdated documentation page in call/cc when it is also
  available in the wiki.  Then again, I don't see this as that big an
  issue, since the pages in call/cc do begin with a disclaimer
  pointing to the wiki page.

* It should be kept in mind that some documentation for the eggs
  should be included with them.  For those with the documentation on
  the wiki, the best bet is probably to continue to do what we do now
  (include a render to HTML of whatever is available in the wiki when
  the egg is generated/uploaded).

* Any improvements to the CSS used by the wiki would be more than
  welcome. :-)



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