Using http.egg to write a bot that has to login to a ubb forum, I
discovered that the cookie processing order of that egg resulted in
login failure.  When I tweaked  http:read-request-attributes to
reverse the order of the attributes it returned, all was well.

This is because in reply to a successful login the ubb server sends a
sequence of set-cookie headers, one of which is something like
"ubbt_myid=deleted" (presumably to end any previous session) while a
later header contains a cookie that looks something like
"ubbt_myid=26" signifying the id corresponding to the username.

Processing the cookies in the wrong order results in the Cookie
attribute of the http-request object being set to contain
"ubbt_myid=deleted", destroying the session login data on the client
side and effectively ending the session.

I guess I'd recommend that we incorporate my tweak to
http:read-request-attributes into the egg, but thought it best to
circulate the matter widely first.

Is there any reason why the attributes should be retained in the
current order (legacy code that depends on the reversed order,

If so, I guess the http:extract-cookies procedure could simply reverse
the order of the set-cookie attributes before processing them.

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