On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Adam Barth <aba...@chromium.org> wrote:

> At a high level, imagine we had a watchdog process that kept track,
> essentially, of the tab model and the navigation controllers.  When
> the browser process crashes, we could use this information to do
> something like session restore, but instead of reloading the tabs from
> the network, we could re-attach to the tab processes that are already
> running.

This was the proposed solution when we came up with this idea a while back.

There are a number of problems.  The primary one is that it turns out that
the amount of state you need to keep in order to properly recover from
crashes is on the order of the amount of state contained in the browser
process.  The complexity of this watchdog is such that the watchdog itself
is subject to crashes.  Even if you don't keep sufficient state to
"properly" recover, the watchdog is quite complex, and at that point, you
aren't gaining terribly much over our current state of affairs.  After
coming to this conclusion, we dropped the idea.

In the earliest days, we had hoped that the browser side of Chrome would be
so lightweight that it could basically be made completely crash-free.  It
has turned out that that was wildly optimistic.


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