Chip, you really are quite the "gag"-puller.

Kris Millegan
On Aug 28, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

I'm not sure this post contributes to inter-ethnic amity, but Eastman has rather invited it. Generally, if you kick other ethnic or religious groups hard in sensitive areas, they will kick back. It's all purely Pavlovian.

By the way, I've never allowed Dick Eastman to post here because of this problem he has. I think he's a sincere truth seeker with some original insights about deep politics, but injecting any form of bigotry into these discussions makes it impossible to proceed rationally. He needs to rework his world model from the ground up.

tigerbengalis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He's still an asshat, no doubt still an anti-Semitic moron, and probably has a closet full of porn.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My comment:

Dick Eastman deserves some credit for acknowledging and apologizing for the antisemitism which disfigures quite a few of his posts. (And Mark Bilk and I deserve some credit for confronting him about this antisemitism.) No one is beyond redemption -- perhaps Eastman will begin to think more clearly about these issues in the future.

A basic rule of thumb: judge people as individuals, not as members of ethnic, religious or national groups. Don't attack entire groups of people on the basis of ethnic, religious or national stereotypes. It's the American Way.

All forms of obsessive ethnic and religious bigotry are much like alcoholism -- the victims of this disease need help. Deep inside all bigots know that they have a psychological problem and that this is no way to live.

Dick Eastman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: "Dick Eastman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: When I attacked Jewish culture in my last post -- I crossed over into Hitlerland.
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 00:55:48 -0700

I have let myself become unjustly critical of Jews as a group -- greatly harming the effort of bringing to justice individual (Jewish) perpetrators of specific monstrous crimes and social problems

Mark Bilk warned me this would happen.

As some find it hard not to blame the "white man" in general -- so this white man has gone and slandered innocent Jews (by bunching them with the guilty ones.)

Guilt belongs only to individuals. Collective guilt is unjust. And to attack a people and their entire culture is to engage in collective guilt.

I probably won't quit posting -- never seem to be able to do that for long. But you and I know that I have a problem.

It doesn't matter how right I am on some things -- better to let the guilty go free than to condemn the innocent.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington

p.s.  in case you are confused  --  I am referring to my post:

Re: Weaponized Porn -- letters and responses -- oi vey!

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