Wow!  I'm rather surprised that there was any discussion about this, and that 
the "rating= meriting" didn't result in a "Oh".  

First.  I am aware that many, many people fish through and monitor this site 
and never post anything.  Rachel Begley, the daughter of Ralph Boger, contacted 
me after my first post on this site.  She also contacted one of the Sheriff's 
Department/FBI/USFWS informants, who didn't like being outed.  He, naturally, 
lied and said a man who was considering having him do a landscape project was 
checking references when he found the information on the internet.  Right.  

Dunlap & Seeger, the law firm that represents nearly everyone who was an 
"investor" in a front for U of M called BEARCAT Hollow monitors this site.  I 
know this because after meeting with one of the "investors" who lost money when 
BEARCAT Hollow was exposed as a criminal operation had them threaten to sue 
because he didn't want certain information out in the public realm.  I called 
the attorney and in the course of our conversation he brought up the reprinted 
article on Elk Run - their latest "biotech" adventure, as well as some things 
that no longer exist.  The University of Minnesota and their associates would 
prefer that the public not take too close a look at how they conduct their 
business, and they certainly would not want the public realizing how they plan 
to make their move to become one of the top three research universities in the 
world.  They recently received a 40+ million dollar grant, and despite already 
having policy's regarding
 conflict of interest with private entrepreneurial enterprises by their staff, 
they are making a rather big public deal about new discussions re:the same 
because they want us to believe we can trust them.  It seems to me that if they 
want to be trusted they should try a little honesty and let the people of Pine 
Island know about the re-competition for the Bioweapons Research facility.... 
Tommy Thompson announced the initial competition back in 2003, the same Tommy 
Thompson who is now a Venture Partner with G. Steven Burrill.   The original 
advisory team was loaded with USAID connected folks, with a USAID/World Banker 
who maintained the license on U of M equipment that delivered ALG - another U 
of M operation that blew up and needed DOJ cover back in the late 1990's.  
(More money laundering, misuse of grants, tax evasion, links to Dept. of Ag 
with one witness allegedly going into hiding for fear she would be 

Our local cops, Sheriff's Department and some FBI agents do not want anyone to 
wonder why the phone numbers for something called Pyramid Concepts/Enforcers 
Public Safety Supply and the FBI (owned by individuals who are currently 
employed in law enforcement) are so startlingly similar.  282-7322 and 
288-7233.  There is never any traffic at their store and in the winter the 
place will not have signs of traffic for weeks at a time.  And yet, they have 
somehow been able to manage to employ full time employees to mind the shop.  
The only person seen at the store was a Supervisor in the local PD, who spent 
more than two hours there, and was at my home about six weeks later.  I find 
this rather curious, especially given the comments made to me (recorded) by 
Terry O'Brien back in April of 03, and the comments re:witnessing controlled 
distribution of narcotics with SD supervision that came from one of Congressman 
Walz's aides.   The Minnesota system of
 "justice" is set up to make sure there is no accountability for this type of 
corruption so I don't know why they bother watching.   

I made the comment re:Michael Aquino because it was obvious that either he 
watches the site, or someone watches the site for him and gave him a heads up 
when the First Earth Battalion messages went up.  Most of the time you never 
hear from people like him - though I did get a bogus 4 hour interview for a 
"security clearance review" for a man after I posted information linking him to 
local operations here.  That was when I found out that he worked for Michael 
Ennis as a CIA HUMINT agent; a most helpful tidbit because CIA HUMINT is where 
the pedo/prostitution/sexual compromise stuff is run and there were a number of 
children used to harass or monitor or try to harm me and my daughter.  Two of 
them had history linking them to the Sheriff's Youth Program, which retired 
NYPD detective Jim Rothstein says has been involved since at least 1972, when 
he found evidence of the same, took it to state and federal authorities and had 
all of the evidence ignored. 
 The third is the HUMINT agent's own son, who had a history of suicidal 
ideology, depression and drug addiction.  Having Michael Aquino take the time 
to post lengthy remarks with links was good for a lot of reasons and I'm very 
glad that he took the time to write because you can learn a lot when someone 
from "the other side" pops in with a different point of view or historic 

If there is a rating system, Ruxpert, I am not aware of it.  

--- On Sun, 11/22/09, ruxpert <> wrote:

From: ruxpert <>
Subject: Re: MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?  Re: [cia-drugs] Re: First 
Earth Battalion and Temple of Set
Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 6:04 PM




dear Bob/Mary, 
I did not post that! 
How might such constitute an example of me 
'Rating/Meriting' a post by Michael 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: muckblit 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:27 PM
Subject: MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Re: [cia-drugs] Re: 
First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set

http://groups. group/cia- drugs/message/ 47873

In cia-dr...@yahoogrou, 
"ruxpert" <homepu...@.. .> wrote:
> Would you please 
provide the specific example you say/reference that I  Rated / Merited, so 
that I may better understand your position please?
> thank 

############ #

----- Original Message ----- 
From: ruxpert 

To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Re: [cia-drugs] 
Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set



Would you please provide the specific 
example you say/reference that I  Rated / Merited, so that I 
may better understand your position please?
thank you
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mary 
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Re: [cia-drugs] 
Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set

    Thanks, Bob.

      On Sat, 11/21/09, muckblit <muckb...@yahoo. com> 

        muckblit <muckb...@yahoo. com>
        MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Re: [cia-drugs] Re: First Earth 
        Battalion and Temple of Set
To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou
        Saturday, November 21, 2009, 1:30 PM

        Rating == meriting.


--- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou, "ruxpert" <homepu...@. ..> wrote:
> I am not aware of 
        'Rating' Any Post, by Anyone! 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: ruxpert 

To: cia-dr...@yahoogrou 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 3:12 AM
Subject: MARY/BOB, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Re: [cia-drugs] Re: 
First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set

I am not aware of 'Rating' Any Post, by Anyone! 

Please explain/clarify your remarks! 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bob D 
To: Mary Hartman ; CIA 
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of 

Aquino has respect for what he calls "GBM" being conducted on
people. He seems to be advocating psychotronically
weighted GBM, too, which 
is a disturbing thought because then
we might be looking at 
psychobiogenically weighted GBM like
911 anthrax Leahy and Daschle serially 
repeating the Russell Welch
Arkansas state police investigator anthraxing by 
the usual suspects.

http://groups. group/cia- drugs/photos/ album/455759151/ 
pic/724404892/ view

I was talking about swine flew on April 29, 2009. How
does April 29 fit in to 
the Baxter and U Minn biowar release schedule?


From: Mary Hartman 
To: Bob D 
<muckb...@yahoo. com>
Sent: Thu, November 19, 2009 10:03:12 
Subject: Fw: [cia-drugs] Re: 
First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set

    Wow!  You and ruxpert rated a 
      post by Michael Aquino!?  I can't believe he would expect anyone here 
      to believe that the DOD has any respect for any restrictions on psyops 
      being conducted on US citizens.  

--- On 
      Thu, 11/19/09, xe...@sbcglobal. net 
      <xe...@sbcglobal. net> wrote:

        xe...@sbcglobal. net <xe...@sbcglobal. net>
Subject: [cia-drugs] 
        Re: First Earth Battalion and Temple of Set
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 6:27 

        --- In cia-dr...@yahoogrou, "muckblit" 
        <muckb...@.. .> wrote:

> Lt. Colonel Jim Channon, a 
        member of Aquino's Temple of Set

No one named Jim Channon has 
        ever been affiliated or associated with the Temple of Set. Nor under 
        alias, for that 







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