On 06.04.2011 18:16, randal k wrote:
> NSP'ers,
> For unfortunate reasons I am asking the collective if there is a way to do
> VRF-lite style segragation for layer-2 interfaces. Situation is that I have
> a 6509, and I need to make a single blade on the chassis have a completely
> separate VLAN database from the rest of the chassis, effectively letting me
> use a VLAN twice on the chassis without allowing them to talk to each other.

Could something like the UNI/NNI port types that are used on ME-switches
like the ME3400 be a possibility? If you have a switch with several
ports configured as UNI ports in the same VLAN, they won't be able to
talk to each other, even though they are in the same VLAN. All traffic
is required to go out via NNI uplink ports ... (not sure whether this
feature is available on the 6500 series though)

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