if you use the bootcamp training with one thing in mind -- passing the
tests -- not learning, then you will get your money's worth.  people
criticize this type of training but for me it was a way to take 12 days away
from all other distractions, study and pass the four exams.  no i am not a
"paper" cert, and had five years hands-on job experience prior to trying to
pass any tests.  i also just passed the CCNP-Recert test last week.

i used ccprep and it was worth every penny (http://www.ccprep.com)

""John Brandis""  wrote in message
> Hi,
> Any one ever been to one of these 5 day training places for various CCNP
> exams ? Are they any good, or am I just better of reading the book again
> working on the labs with my own gear (yes I have quite a few routers here,
> but never the time)
> I am on my quest for CCNP then on to CCIE, however between work and being
> dad, I just never get the time any more
> Thanks for your feedback
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