Eric Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It is necessary for serialization, although it is usually a private
> field. ALL classes in classpath which implement
> should declare this field, and it should match the results of running
> Sun's serialver tool on that class; otherwise, Classpath will not be
> compatible for serialization. uses the value of
> this field to see if two class versions are compatible. This field is
> needed in Classpath even when Sun's jar does not have the
> field. (Interfaces which extend Serializable do not need this field).

Thank you Eric, I however had to run the serialver tool on a
i386/solaris8 system (I didn't want to install sun's SDK on my
computer, just for the serialver tool). Does the output match
every system ? Is there a posibility that there are different
serialVersionUIDs for different systems?

Thank you,

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