Suppose I have a clojure file called "app.clj" that contains something

(ns app)
(defn foo [] (println "hello"))
(defn reader [filename] (load-file filename))

and a file called "data" that simply contains


What I would like to see, from the REPL, is:

user=> (load-file "app.clj")
user=> (app/reader "data")

As described, this doesn't work.  load-file looks up symbols in the
current namespace ("user" in this case), but foo is interned in app.
I found that I could get the behavior I wanted if I changed the
definition of reader to:

(defn reader [filename] (binding [*ns* (the-ns 'app)] (load-file

But this has a sort of evil feeling to it.  Is there a better way of
doing this?


P.S. I know that doing (load-file "app.clj") (in-ns 'app) (reader
"data") from the REPL works as well, but I don't want to force the
user to switch namespaces.

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