On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Stuart Halloway
<stuart.hallo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does this clarify the point I was making?
> When writing macros, you cannot dynamically build one of the syntactic
> sugar forms. For example, you cannot write a macro that expands cls
> and member into (cls/member):
>       (defmacro call-static [cls member] `(~cls/~member))
>       -> java.lang.Exception: Invalid token: cls
> Instead, you should build normal, unsugared forms:
>       (defmacro call-static [cls member] `(. ~cls ~member))
>       -> nil

I think you actually can have a macro that *expands* into the sugar
forms, though the ~ unquote symbol indeed won't work within a single
symbol as in your first example.

On the other hand, your second example is definitely better than this:

(defmacro call-static [cls member & args]
  (cons (apply symbol (map str [cls member])) args))

(macroexpand-1 '(call-static Integer parseInt "25"))
-> (Integer/parseInt "25")

(call-static Integer parseInt "25")
-> 25


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