Awesome!  This is really sweet.  I've got it up and running, and this is 
really getting good now.  I've got a couple quick questions:

* Is there a smart way to install it?  I've been copying each .vim file 
into its place inside my $HOME/.vim directory, but this gets repetitive 
and annoying fast.  How about an ant task or something that does it for you?

* How about starting the nailgun server automatically if it isn't 
already started?

* How about connecting a repl to a running process?  My guess is that by 
connecting to your back-end and starting a listening socket this could 
be done...

* I've got the clojure.txt file inside $HOME/.vim/doc, but if I
   :h clojure
it says no help for clojure...

Thanks a lot for doing this.  I use it daily, and I think it will help a 
lot of people get into Clojure as the language grows.


Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Dear vimming Clojurians,
> I'm proud to announce VimClojure 2.0!
> I want to thank durka42 on #clojure for being a
> patient guinea pig - eh - beta tester, finding the
> bugs within minutes. :)
> Updates and Fixes:
>  * Updated higlighting to SVN 1327
>  * Fixed completion bug on Windows (thanks to jb)
> Gorilla was merged into VimClojure. To
> use the interactive features, set the variable
> "clj_want_gorilla" in your .vimrc. If you do so,
> you must start the Nailgun server before
> editing clojure files with vim.
> More information on the installation can be
> found in the README.txt.
> Interactive features are:
>  * docstring lookup
>  * javadoc lookup
>  * evaluation of code
>  * buffer repl
>  * omni completion with fuzzy logic
>    (eg. r-s<C-x><C-o>
>    => read-string, resultset-seq, ...)
> Note: Ruby is *not* needed anymore!
> Windows support:
> I'm loosing complete interest in supporting
> Windows. No matter how much time you
> invest, there will be another moronic special
> case which breaks everything again.
> Adding to the difficulty is that I cannot test
> on Windows. So I will release as is. In case
> there are problems on Windows I'm open
> for fixes but I will not invest much time myself.
> Anyway, I hope you find this plugin useful
> and that it helps you in your work.
> Sincerely
> Meikel

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