Some of you may not know of Jon's behvior on comp.lang.lisp so some
background will be useful here.

He runs a business selling ocaml and f# consulting and training
services and materials. He routinely posts insulting and inflammatory
remarks about lispers and lisp in comp.lang.lisp.

He admits his principal purpose there is to drum up business for his
ocaml/f# consulting. These both being statically typed languages, and
Jon's livelihood flowing from their use, he will naturally defend
static typing and criticize dynamic typing.

His posts must be considered as being highly biased because of his
admitted economic interests and purposes. If past behavior is any
guide he will seek to belittle clojure and present f# as a superior

Don't be fooled by his attempts to prey on those unfamiliar with his
mode of operation and get them to buy his training materials/journals
and consulting services by presenting their language of choice,
clojure, as somehow lacking with respect to those he sells services
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