On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Raffael Cavallaro <
raffaelcavall...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some of you may not know of Jon's behvior on comp.lang.lisp so some
> background will be useful here.
> He runs a business selling ocaml and f# consulting and training
> services and materials. He routinely posts insulting and inflammatory
> remarks about lispers and lisp in comp.lang.lisp.
> He admits his principal purpose there is to drum up business for his
> ocaml/f# consulting. These both being statically typed languages, and
> Jon's livelihood flowing from their use, he will naturally defend
> static typing and criticize dynamic typing.
> His posts must be considered as being highly biased because of his
> admitted economic interests and purposes. If past behavior is any
> guide he will seek to belittle clojure and present f# as a superior
> alternative.
> Don't be fooled by his attempts to prey on those unfamiliar with his
> mode of operation and get them to buy his training materials/journals
> and consulting services by presenting their language of choice,
> clojure, as somehow lacking with respect to those he sells services
> for.
> >
hmmmm, that could sound like more of an endorsement than anything he could
have said, himself!  Afterall he could have chosen a dynamically typed
language for his business if he had wanted to.  That really says something
about OCaml and f#.

At any rate, either he makes a good point or he doesn't.  If his arguments
have flaws, point them out.

My interest right now in following clojure is to learn ALL the arguments,
including his.

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