On Mar 24, 2009, at 5:03 AM, Rich wrote:

Has anyone gotten 20090320 to work on a new MacBook Pro running

I tried it just now and it worked for me. Here's the test I did:

        - Download 20090320 zip file
        - Expand it into dir
- create a file in dir called Structure.clj with contents: "(ns Structure)"
        - cd to dir
        - launch clojure with "java -cp clojure.jar:. clojure.main"
        - at the prompt issue "(use 'Structure)"
        - receive the response "nil"

I'm using java 1.6 on a 64-bit capable (Core2 Duo based) MacBook Pro.

Does that same test fail on your machine?

One thing to note is that namespace names should always have at least one period in them. I believe this is due to a rule regarding Java packages. At some point the "clojure" namespace became "clojure.core" for this reason. I haven't had a problem with such "top level" namespace names on my machine locally, but they're not officially supported.


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