Hey Geoff,

This sort of feedback and code recommendations is exactly what I was
hoping for.

Geoff <geoff.sal...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hey Eric
> I did something similar for handling unsigned types. I think it's
> simpler and probably faster, not that I've checked. Here's a gist of
> it https://gist.github.com/767887

Ah, these do look like an improvement, thanks for sharing.

> That code is part of a little library I wrote a while ago
> https://github.com/geoffsalmon/bytebuffer  It's closer to your bin-ed
> in complexity than to gloss. You might also find the pack-bits and
> unpack-bits functions useful if you're parsing bit-fields and not
> using Gloss's bits-seq.

Very nice, I'm actually using vectors to fake ordered maps to mimic
Gloss' (keyword value) codecs, e.g. https://gist.github.com/768101

Cheers -- Eric

> I'm going to give Gloss a try. For complex binary structures, I think
> I like it's way of specifying formats using (keyword, type) pairs and
> reading and writing maps instead of bytebuffer's which specifies
> formats as strings ('b' for byte, 'i' for int, and so on) and reads
> and writes seqs of values.
> - Geoff
> On Jan 5, 5:45 pm, "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> also, here's a patch to Gloss which I've used locally but which may be
>> generally useful.
>> Cheers -- Eric
>>  0001-adding-primitive-support-for-uint16-uint32-and-uint6.patch
>> 1KViewDownload
>> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Thanks for sharing this library, I found reading your code to be very
>> > useful.
>> > I need to be able to read and write elf files from within Clojure code,
>> > and Gloss initially looked like a good option.  However much of the
>> > streaming support and frame-based conception got in the way of my
>> > particular needs.
>> > In the end I have written a much simpler collection of functions which
>> > supports parsing binary files into lists of bytes, manipulating these
>> > lists, and then writing the lists back to binary files.  This is heavily
>> > influenced by the code in Gloss.  Seehttps://github.com/eschulte/bin-ed
>> > Anyways just thought I'd share, if anyone notices anything in the code
>> > which doesn't make sense, or could be more easily accomplished in some
>> > other way please do let me know.
>> > Thanks -- Eric

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