On 16/08/12 5:55 AM, "Chip Childers" <chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:

>The only hesitation that I have is around ease of installation /
>configuration.  CloudStack is great at this today (one of the reasons
>that my company gravitated to it), and I don't want to lose that
>value.  I don't think this is a blocker to distributing the system at
>all, but it will be a critical design and implementation detail to

Agree with Chip, this is critical design decision. Message oriented
distributed service architecture will be a fundamental shift from what
CloudStack is today. If the goal is just to have loose coupling between
the components what other option can be evaluated? Now that we move to
maven/gradle can dependency management solve some of the coupling issues?
Lets say CloudStack core is broken into orchestration, compute, storage
and network components and then its easy to impose dependency that
orchestration component can depend on compute, storage, network
components, but compute can not depend on network component etc. Other
option is having in-process message bus for component IPC which may give
same decoupling benefits and retain the current benefits (horizontally
scaling management server and ease of installation and configuration).

>How do you see this matching up with Murali's Event notification
>framework proposal?  It seems to me, that switching to a distributed
>model requires a shift in his thinking on the actual event framework

Yes, if there is richer message bus capable of distributed delivery then
we need to reconsider event notification.

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