On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 3:55 PM, John Kinsella <j...@stratosec.co> wrote:
> Good point, there…maybe what we need here is to beef up the password server 
> idea to provide a standardized conduit to get info down to a VM. Similar to 
> EC2's user-data.
> Data I could see this framework providing:
>  * System passwords
>  * Additional IPs (so need to be able to return data sets, JSON-style maybe?)
>  * Encryption keys
>  * Metadata about the VM ("webserver," "database," "high-availability," 
> "master")
>  * What else?
> One very important piece that's missing is a timeout - need to be able to 
> have the object server provide the object(s) when a VM boots, but should be 
> able to specify for some objects that after X seconds that data should be 
> thrown away. Hugely important for encryption keys (I want to provide key to 
> decryption system at boot, but don't want malicious user to be able to login 
> a week later and easily get that key).
> So I'd suggest maybe have one spec to update/expand the password server to be 
> an object server, and then Jayapal's multiple-IP spec would integrate with 
> that.
> Super awesome bonus points: support for fetching/storing said objects in HSM. 
> I've got one vendor in mind who has a sw solution we're looking at, but 
> following a PKCS#11 format would probably be best.

In that vein - I'd prefer seeing us do a better job of making
cloud-init something usable with CloudStack.
I know there is essentially cloud-init support here:

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