On 3/1/13 4:03 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <bhais...@apache.org> wrote:
>- Saw systemvms started from the template, saw patching happening,
>logged in with creds (root/password) to verify that it was indeed the
>new one (Linux 3.2 :)
>- The agents were running fine, there was a latency issue (agents were
>lagging behind)
>- (Applied a fix describe on CLOUDSTACK-1370 to make the deployVM
>work) VR came up, did it's SDN magic and tinyLinux was deployed
>- Console proxy worked for me as well

I would also test
 - password server
 - user data management (is apache web server running?)
In addition
 - zone-to-zone template copy
 - template creation
 - convert snapshot to template
 - vpc
 - ipv6

>Chiradeep, is there a way to convert VHD (HyperV) to VHD (Xen), I hear
>that they both differ in some magic bits?
Actually since we intend to support Windows 2012, we should be using VHDX.
There's a way to do it with Powershell (from vhd(hyper-v) -> vhdx)

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