Bill Hoffman wrote:
Ramazan Girgin wrote:
I insert
SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS 1) in CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake file
SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS 1) in CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake file

for disable testing of compiler.

After that cmake generated make file correctly and i compiled may application.
Another temp solution may be put this lines int to CMakeLists.txt file.
But this is temp solution.
May be any bug in cmake ?

I found something about cl.exe gives errors like this if more than one cpu in computer.It may be related to this. I have 4 core cpu too.

I would not trust the builds on this machine. Other try-compile type things are going to fail, and result in bad configurations.

folder\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\testCCompiler.c : fatal error C1033: cannot open
  program database ''

You should try this:

cmake --debug-trycompile

Then open the solution that cmake creates in the CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp directory and try it from the IDE. VS runs some sort of process to manage the pdb files, if that process gets created with incorrect permissions things do not work correctly....

Anyway, I don't think this is a CMake issue, but I would predict more issues on the machine with the compiler... :(

I workd if this is the problem:

"    *  Disk error

In Visual C++ .NET (version 1300 of the compiler), the user locale must be set correctly when the file name (or directory path to the file name) contains MBCS characters. Setting the system locale is not sufficient; the user locale must be set to process MBCS characters."

What is your locale?

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