On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 21:52:31 +0200, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
On Monday 18 April 2011, The Novice Coder wrote:
I've been trying most things I can think of, but have been unable to come up with a solution.. the basic gist is I need to change the compile flags for a SINGLE file within a project. Specifically, disabling all
 compile warnings for that file.

 add_definitions() seems to effect the whole project, so that's not

Also couldn't use set_property() to do it either. (I could have been
 using it wrong).

set_source_files_properties() should be able to set COMPILE_FLAGS for single
* you might also write a file which only does some #define/#undef's and then
includes the file in question ?
* you might build a static library consisting only of that one file, if necessary in an own subdirectory (which has only the CMakeLists.txt with
add_library(foo STATIC ../the_file.c), basically)


Thank you very much! That got me on the right path. If anyone else has the same issue, the final code was:

set_source_files_properties( ${contrib_db_cpp} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS " /W0 " )

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