
Take a look at i18n samples, particularly the XSP page
(/samples/i18n/simple.xsp) and try to enter something like that in the input
box there, then submit and see the 'Hello Tomcat' paragraph ('Tomcat' should
be replaced by the entered string). If this works correctly then take a look
at the source code of simple.xsp - maybe that's what you are looking for.

I've checked i18n samples in IE 5+ and everything were fine: even Chinese,
Japanese hieroglyphs were copied/pasted/submitted/displayed correctly.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 3 March 2003 ?. 21:05
Subject: form encoding problems

Hi All,

This is possibly a trivial mistake ... but I never came across it

I have a search form for searching Lucene. Mozilla confirms the page is
in UTF-8 encoding.

I enter a string with accented characters into the query field. eg
'éclair' (e-acute).

The form comes back with the string now reading 'éclair'. (A-tilde,
Copyright sign). Mozilla says the encoding is still UTF-8. (The value
has been picked up by an InputModule and fed via the SiteMap to XSLT).

The query string in the URL reads 'query=%C3%A9clair', which are the
unicodes for 'A-tilde' and 'Copyright' characters. (Which would imply
to me that the Browser incorrectly encoded the query.)

This makes me feel like I have done something really dumb, but I cannot
work out what ;)

Incidentally, the search form in the Cocoon Samples does exactly the
same thing!!

Any suggestions?

regards Jeremy

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