On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 06:16 PM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

Hi All,
This is possibly a trivial mistake ... but I never came across it before.

I recall a similiar problem a long time ago. I solved it by changing
some of the HTML serializer settings. The form encoding was fine in IE but crap in NS/Mozilla. Sorry, cannot really remember what is was :-/

Have a beer, maybe you will remember ;)

I have a search form for searching Lucene. Mozilla confirms the page is in UTF-8 encoding.
I enter a string with accented characters into the query field. eg 'clair' (e-acute).
The form comes back with the string now reading 'clair'. (A-tilde, Copyright sign). Mozilla says the encoding is still UTF-8. (The value has been picked up by an InputModule and fed via the SiteMap to >> XSLT).
The query string in the URL reads 'query=%C3%A9clair', which are the unicodes for 'A-tilde' and 'Copyright' characters. (Which would imply to me that the Browser incorrectly encoded the query.)

How do other browsers behave?

Same way, I just quoted Mozilla because it has a handy 'page info' dialog.

This makes me feel like I have done something really dumb, but I cannot work out what ;)

Well, good luck :)

Any suggestions?

Have a beer and then come back - maybe you'll see it then ;)

Cheers! Hic! %}

regards Jeremy

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