David Crossley wrote:
David Crossley wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

try to do a clean checkout, maybe there is something wrong in
your local CVS metadata.

ah, no, wait, what settings are you using for cvs update?

cvs -q -z3 update -d -P cocoon-2.1

Okay, i will try the full clean checkout.

That fixed it, whatever it was. I do not know if this had anything to do with it, but i did rename my local working copy rather than do a fresh checkout. Everything worked okay for a few days after that, then started misbehaving recently.

Erk. I spoke too soon. I got past the building of the
Lucene block (no errors now with the clean checkout).

However, i still cannot exclude the Lucene block from the build.

I investigated a bit further and tried to exclude *all* blocks.
All blocks are excluded except three: lucene, poi, profiler.


Found it - there is extra whitespace at the end of these
three lines in block.properties, i.e. after the =true

Thank the lord, i am not going mad. Sounds like we
need normalize-space() whenever properties are read.
Call in the XSL/build experts.

Oh, gosh, ant is *very* picky. Fixed in CVS.


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