Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

David Crossley wrote, On 18/03/2003 3.37:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

David Crossley wrote:


Found it - there is extra whitespace at the end of these
three lines in, i.e. after the =true

Thank the lord, i am not going mad. Sounds like we
need normalize-space() whenever properties are read.
Call in the XSL/build experts.

Oh, gosh, ant is *very* picky. Fixed in CVS.

Gee, i could have easily committed such a simple fix to
remove the extra whitespace. However, i left it because as
discussed above, it needs a more robust solution, like using
normalize-space() in the blocks-build.xsl, but i could not
see where to do this. Quick hacks just leave the way open for
the build to be busted again like this and causing someone
else three days of grief.

I had moved the properties in xml files, so that the whitespace there is really easy to see. Why did we resort back to property files for it?

Because flat properties are much less verbose and much more friendly to edit.

you have a point on whitespace, though, but I still think this is an ant problem, not ours.


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