I too agree that the two things we should do are: present a clear
statement on how session selection works; and craft a statement on
ethics that will be so artful as to actually discourage virtual ballot
box stuffing and not just put evil ideas in folks; heads.

On my part, I have had my dogs sign a pledge that they will never vote
on any of my proposed sessions.


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Jason Ronallo <jrona...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> One thing I would be open to is to put a disclaimer splash page before
>> any ballot (only to be seen the first time a person votes) briefly
>> explaining how the ballot works and to mention that ballot stuffing is
>> "unethical, undemocratic and tears at the fabric that is Code4Lib" or
>> some such.  I would welcome contributions to the wording.
>> What would people think about that?
> +1 to the proposal to have some sort of honor statement splash page
> before the ballot. This seems like a good first step at trying to
> address this, and may be as much as we want to do.
> Jason

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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