I have the same question here as I did for DBCP: are there any backwards
incompatible changes that require a major release number change?  I'd
prefer to keep the major number the same if possible.  

FWIW, I haven't seen any incompatible changes in the DBCP or Pool commits
that I've reviewed.


--- Dirk Verbeeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to propose a vote on the following release plan
> for Pool 2.0.  This release plan can also be found
> at:
> http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/jakarta-commons/pool/RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt
> Per the Jakarta/ASF guidelines (see
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/decisions.html), this
> release plan must be approved via a lazy majority vote. The
> voting period will end at 23:59:59 GMT on 1 October 2003
> or when a clear majority has been established,
> whichever comes first.
> Here's your ballot:
> <---- Please return this portion with your vote ---->
> [ ] +1    I am in favor of this plan and I will help
> [ ] +0    I am in favor of this plan, but I am unable to help
> [ ] -0    I am not in favor of this plan
> [ ] -1    I am opposed to this plan being executed,
>           and my reason is:
> <---- /Please return this portion with your vote ---->
> I'll volunteer to be the release manager for this release,
> but if someone else wants to, feel free to volunteer.
> -  Dirk Verbeeck
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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